Thursday, May 31, 2012

Do you over eat?

This past weekend was memorial day weekend, did you over eat?  No, I didn't ask if you chose unhealthy food, I asked if you over ate.  I did!  Yep, I admit it, I over ate on healthy food.  Did this hurt my weight loss?  Yep, it sure did!  How?  Why?  Because, my portions were not the correct amount, I did not stay on my schedule of eating and I grazed way too much.  Even though I work out, it doesn't counteract how much I ate, it never has and never will.  Abs start in the kitchen!  This is with what you eat and how much you eat.  The good thing is, I didn't gain all the weight back from what I had lost in the 7dsd, but I did gain a little!
This is what I have learned about my body though:
I cannot eat any type of bread or wrap when I want to, 2 days MAX!
I really have to watch my salt intake, NO MORE THAN 2 Days a week!
For some silly reason bread and salt are my body's enemy when it comes to weight gain so I have to cut it down a lot smaller than what everyone else does.  I have to listen to my body and watch what the food does to me.  This was learned through trial and error.

So, what's my point?  You can still gain weight eating healthy if you over eat!  This is not me preaching, it's me telling you what I did and what happened so that maybe you can learn from my mistake!

5 - 6 small meals a day, lots of H2O, sleep, and stay as close to your schedule as possible.  A messed up schedule will through you off and BAM, everything is thrown off!

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