Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Working Mother Works Out!

I want to start this blog post by saying this one was inspired by my Tone It Up sister Sophie, you MUST follow her on twitter @sophiehowl and her youtube page at theSophieHowl. Sophie is an amazing mother and so inspirational! Thank you Sophie for the INSPIRATION!

Now, onto today's post.  As you know, I am a working mother of 3 beautiful children and I also work.  Granted, I am blessed to be able to work from home 9 months out of the year, but I do have to go out on tour for about 3 months (non-stop).  Being a working mom has posed challenges for me.  When I started this journey, the first thing that came to mind was, how in the world am I going to find time to do this?  I work, I have 3 kids that are involved in so many things, there is housework to be done, there is laundry to be done AND I travel!  Well, the bottom line is this, you find and make the time for it!  If you TRULY want to change your health and your body, you will find the time.  When I first started following my fellow Tone It Up sisters on twitter, I admit, I was EXTREMELY intimidated by how much they worked out and how much time they spent working on their bodies. I started feeling really down on myself and was very envious. Then something finally clicked in my head and i turned things around.  I knew that I was giving all I had toward my goal, with all the time I could without making my family sacrifice things.  I ensure that I get a good 30 minutes in a day and do more if/when I can, but ALWAYS 30 minutes!  Sure, my transformation hasn't been as quickly as I want, but I'm becoming ok with that.  I am exactly where I am suppose to be.  

So, I thought, if I had this type of struggle, I am sure there are many other working mom's out there that has the same struggle so I wanted to give you some pointers that I have learned through this journey that may help you to sneak in those workouts.

1. I sleep in my workout clothes (this keeps me motivated in the morning)
2.  I work out as soon as my kids leave for school (for those of you who leave before their children, get up an extra 30 min early to fit your workout in)
3. Plan, plan, and plan (I am not a week in advance planner to my workouts, but I do think and look ahead!) I examine what I have been working on and make sure I focus on a different body part for that extra toning!  I love full body workouts (especially in a time crunch) but I will also add on a focus workout.
4. I work out when my kids go to sleep!  Yes, it's late at night and I am exhausted from work, homework, house work, never ending laundry piles, kids extra curricular activities, dr. visits, and everything else, but if I didn't get a work out in earlier, I will do it this late!
5. If you miss a day, bounce back with vengeance the next day!
6. give your body a day of rest!  I use Sunday's as my rest days.  My priority on Sunday is God and family!

I hope these tidbits help you with your struggle of finding time to fit in a workout. If you have any questions or need any advice, please ask me!  I'm here to help you with your journey! Or go on Twitter and find all of the amazing Tone It Up girls!  Inspiration and Motivation is what we do!

Another amazing mom on twitter you should follow is @fitfoodjunkie I don't know what I would do without her most days!  Thank you Sharisse for all you do!

And to quote my Tone It Up Trainers "Peace, Love, and SWEAT!"

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