Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Monday!

It's Motivation Monday!  Hopefully all of you stayed active over the weekend.  My daughter and I did a 8 mile hike on Saturday!  It was one that I had to PUSH through but boy, I felt like a CHAMPION after and so did she!  I took a BUM day on Sunday, it was Mother's Day after all, but I earned that rest day!  I did pretty well staying lean and clean with a small cheat.  I actually ate some cheesy potatoes!  I hadn't had potatoes in such a long time, but I only took a spoonful!
Today I started the ToneItUp 7dayslimdown.  At the end, you are suppose to weigh yourself and measure, so this morning, I weighed to get my starting weight, and to my surprise, I am 2lbs away from my goal weight!  This slim down will definitely put me where I want to be!  Will I stop doing what I have been doing and become less cautious?  Absolutely NOT!  I still have tons of toning to do and if I want to maintain, I have to keep my A game on!  Plus, Eating Clean and working out has become more habit than anything, and I enjoy how I feel after a workout!  You will NEVER REGRET A WORKOUT!
So, with this, I bid you a Happy Moving Monday!  HAHA, see how I changed that to get you moving?  I'm clever like that somedays!  I've been trying all weekend to get a picture of our hike to post, so here's to trying one more time!

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