Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So MANY Blessings!

First, I want to start off by apologizing to my followers for being SO absent!  There have been so many changes happening in my life, that I just haven't focused on this.  Again, I am sorry, and I hope I can be more consistent with this.

The changes have been such a blessing that I want to share those with you!  First, I have changed churches (this one was difficult!) and am now able to be involved with children's ministry again!  I have not been involved since 2010 and that took its toll on me because I intensionally moved from the west coast to be a children's minister.

The other big change is that I will be going back to work FULL time!  Yep, in an office 5 days a week!  I am still working for the band (I can't give them up!  Too much love and respect for them and the crew!)
But this is something that my family desperately needed!  I am excited to be going back and continuing to gain knowledge in the pharmaceutical industry!  This also helps me reach my goal to become a Personal Fitness Trainer!  My intention is to purchase my schooling by Christmas!  Once I get that certification, I am moving on to nutrition, then a certified Yoga instructor!  Yep, I am going to make sure that NO MATTER WHAT I am able to work, work, work!

Besides the changes that have been happening, I have started a fitness page on Facebook that I am MORE interactive with!  Follow me!  Ask me questions!  Recipe exchange!  Everything FITNESS goes!  My page is Kim Gets Fit!

Now, on to the healthy stuff!  Today, my husband and I went on a trail hike together, just us!  It was so awesome!  The weather was beautiful and I got to see God's wonderful creations in a new light.  I also got to see my progress in the form of stamina!  There is this HUGE hill that you have to go up in order to see the river, this time around, I didn't have to take a break in the middle!  To some, that may not seem to be a big accomplishment, but to me, it was HUGE!  I felt stronger and I could tell that my stamina is higher!
This is where I tell you to not give up on yourself because any little change is a HUGE accomplishment!  If you are able to do 2 extra reps, hold a plank 5 seconds longer, walk .25 miles further, YOU HAVE GROWN!  Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to the OLD you!

With that, I will do one more shameless plug for my facebook fitness page (Kim Gets Fit)!  Once I reach 100 followers, I am gifting someone with a yr subscription to a fitness magazine!  Then after that, I am hoping to do a challenge with great prizes!  Keep watching and join in!

Peace, LOVE, and fitness!

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