Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My HIIT workout and the affect 3 days off had on me

Today I hopped back on the saddle and got 1 of my workouts in.  I was going to do 2 back to back, but after I did a Go Fit Gals HIIT workout, I was wiped!  Man was it good!  I sweat like no other!  I did have to modify one thing but hey, that's ok!  This was still a calorie torcher!  Now, why did I have to modify?  Well, my personal belief is that I did have too many rest days.  I don't think my body can have 3 right in a row.  I felt like I lost some strength and stamina.  So, lesson learned, for me!  You may be able to take that many rest days and not feel any affect, others may not.  It's a personal thing and you have to be the judge.  Anyway, I wanted to share the workout I did in case you would like to try it yourself!  Make sure you follow these ladies on Face, Twitter, and youtube!

Here is the link to the video!


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