Friday, September 14, 2012


Do you journal?  What do you journal about?  I journal my food and workout routines along with my weight and measurements!  Why do I do this?  It helps me see what foods I am eating, how much I am eating, how many calories I am burning, what workouts are giving me the most burn for the buck, and where I need to improve.  I ALWAYS journal my food in myfitness pal along with my workouts.  Today, I sat a new goal to journal my own personal routines, that way I can know what I did in the workout and be able to repeat it to keep that burn going!  Why haven't I done this before?  I wish I had an answer for that one but I don't.
Here is a picture of how I journal and what my journal looks like!


Go out and purchase a really adorable journal and start journaling!  If you haven't downloaded myfitnesspal, go do it, it's free!  You can also scan the bar code of the food you are eating and it will input all the information for you!

Once you have started journaling, let me know if it has helped you!

Peace, LOVE, Sweat!
I came here with nothing, but I'm going to leave with a legacy!

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