Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Running Class

As most of you know (if you read this blog) I am new to running.  I hate it actually!  I always compare myself to other people and by what they have already accomplished!  BAD BAD BAD!  I Really have to stop doing that!  Anyway, in my endeavor to find out when the Wounded Warrior Race was in my town, I came across a running class at a local running store.  So guess what I did?  I signed up!  I needed SOME kind of insight as to what I could be doing better as to form, stride, aww heck, who am I kidding!  I needed all the information I could get!  Well, tonight was the night for the class!  I was so excited but really scared and I shared that anxiety on my personal facebook page. (shameless plug coming!  I have a facebook fitness page as well - kim gets fit) if you want to follow!  Anyway, when I finished my class, I had a response to my status which was simply this,

God did not give you the spirit of fear...but

 of love, and power, and a sound mind. (II. 

Tim.1:7) You can do it! You go girl!   

What a GREAT reminder and motivation that was!  Please don't ever forget that when you are fearful to try a new class or something new at all!

Ok, so back to the class.  Well, one of my biggest fears came true, I was the BABY runner in the class!  That didn't matter though because what they taught was great information for all the runners!  I did come out on top for one thing, my stride! YIPEEEE  (sorry, the competitiveness came out).  I really learned a lot, now just to ensure I actually can make the suggestions happen!  This may call for private running lessons!  My suggestions to all of you just starting out in the runner's world is two things, Don't forget the above quote and take a running class!  It was well worth the little amount of money it cost me!

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