Monday, June 18, 2012

Progress Is Progress

Today, I will be short and sweet!  Sometimes we get down on ourselves because the pounds are not coming off fast enough, or the inches aren't melting away quickly enough.  But I am here to tell you, that if you are really trying and putting your all in to it, you have already progressed!  Whether it's a fast progress or a slow paced one, it's still progress!

The one thing that I have been slowly progressing in is running.  I am not going the distance that I really want, but you know what?  If I can take two more strides over what I had done the time before, then I made progress!  It doesn't matter how fast I go or how long it takes me to FINALLY run a 5K, what matters is my effort and the progress I make in accomplishing my goal!

So, if your progress is slow.  Don't give up on yourself because I haven't given up on you or me.  Progress is Progress no matter what the pace or distance is!

<3, Sweat, and Peace!

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