Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Try Something New!

Are you stuck in a rut with your workout routine or diet?  Try something new!  If you always walk, put in a few minutes of running every 1/2 mile.  If you use weights, up them!  Not only will small changes to your workouts keep them fresh, it will also change your body!

Diet rut?  How about adding some plain Greek yogurt with a banana and strawberries!  Plain rice cakes?  Add some Conserve on it!  This not only gives your taste buds a change, it will also satisfy your sweet tooth!

It is important for us to change up our routines for two reasons:
1. Changing your workouts will keep you from getting bored with them, which will help ensure you continue to work out.  The added benefit, is in watching your definition change!
2. If we do not change and spice up our diet, we will get bored and more apt to give up on clean eating.  I have fallen victim to this issue many times!

So, get out there and try something new!  While your at it, invite a friend!

My something new was participating in the Color Run last Saturday!  I am always intimidated by runners, but I did my best and kept going!  I had my husband and daughter participating with me so that made it even more fun!  The glow run is coming to my town in about two months, I think I may have to sign up for that as well! :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Support System

Do you have a support system in place for your NEW HEALTHY LIFESTYLE?  Having a support system is crucial for your success!  I am actually BLESSED to have an outstanding support system.  First is my Tone It Up family!  These are fellow Tone It Up girls trying to achieve the same goals and life style as me.  If you are on twitter, you MUST follow these girls!  You will know them by two things: 1. we have a twibbon that is teal and coral with two girls on it, 2. most of them have TIU in their twitter handle.  My other HUGE support system is my husband!  From the moment I purchased the Tone It Up nutrition plan he has been by my side every step of the way!  He will do slim downs with me, he works out with me, he runs with me, and he cheers me on during my dark times!  He alone is crucial to my success and he doesn't even know it.  If you have folks that are negative and don't believe in you and are NOT supportive in your new life style change, please, please find us and lean on us for strength and cheers!

As you know, I recently took a hiatus from blogging.  Well, I took it because I was NOT in a good place mentally.  That affected my healthy choices and I felt unworthy of trying to tell someone else how to change their lifestyle.  During that whole time, my husband stood by my side.  Letting me know that I could do all of this and I still have my food addiction beat.  Today, he did something that really showed me just how much he does believe in me.  He asked me to be his trainer!  I was so humbled and excited that he asked me!  I was in awe that he actually wanted ME when I have been in such a bad place.  Maybe this was the last little thing I needed to bring me out of this dark place and to keep on  MOVING FORWARD!  Yes, he is my support system.  That is the type of person YOU need.  Get your friends and family involved any way possible and they will be the biggest support you will ever have.  Sometimes, it takes baby steps, but it WILL happen.  Like I said, for an immediate support system, follow me on twitter or find my page on Facebook: Kim Gets Fit and I will be there with you every step of the way!

Never, EVER give up because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Hi everyone,
I am writing to let you know that I am taking a small hiatus from blogging as I am not in a good place at the moment.  I am taking the time to get back to my old self and to get myself better mentally and physically.  I pray that you will stand by me in prayer and continue to follow this blog.  I will return as soon as I am healthy.

Peace, Love, and Sweat!